Photo by Cdoncel on Unsplash
In September of 2018 I had a very unexpected encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and was born again. In the following days and months found I was in a continued state fo repentance, a condition that continues even now and to this day. One of the most startling effects of this sudden conversion from spiritual new age to bible believing Christianity was a peace and sense of restoration and stability that i had been striving for in dozens of new age or psychological modalities for decades! These were techniques and spiritual practices that I used regularly in my massage practice and even educated many clients on. And after years of striving to get ahead of my own strife I in an INSTANT I was restored. I know now that I experiencing peace with God by believing on the blood of Jesus' death and that I needed a savior.
Let me take a moment to say massage is good, so that my SEO advisor wont yell at me for this blog post ruining my algorithm hahaha! However girl I think the Lord will be happy with this and bless my algorithm Himself :)
This type of relationship with God was something that I thought I had before; a sort of wild, rocky roller coaster of growth and experience, overseen by a "source" and implemented by the "universe" as well as deep forces from within. I thought I was "in tune" while practicing a whole bunch of stuff while thinking I had a good thing going with God even though peace was a rare and fleeting thing. Despite never really being that much better than before in all of my practices I truly believed I was on a path to balance and peace and wonderful prosperity. It seemed like somethings in my life improved but really it didn't. For example: even though I understood why I was the problem in many relationships I never actually changed anything. I felt like well I own it so that's good enough! The universe will do the rest!! (the universe is cold, unfeeling, unintelligent and filled with rocks and gasses. It does not love you, I promise) I basically believed the rough and tumble made me one of the "real ones".... so I was arrogant too passing it off as spiritual LOL!!
But in one instant I realized that God is a loving Father and want us established, settled, peaceful and joyous with blessings and victories given by HIS hand and by HIS will and for HIS glory! Not by our hand or will or our glory! It's a free gift! He has a personality and wants a close and very lively, dynamic relationship with all of us! He wants it so muchHe sent His only begotten Son to be the final sacrifice for the sins of the world! That by believing on Christ, His death and resurrection we would be reconciled to our Father in heaven!
This truth was revealed to my spirit upon my conversion which is the most radically spiritual thing I ever experienced! I also realized that Jesus is God! It's almost 5 years later and Jesus is still the center of my everyday and I continue to joyfully live to serve Him. This is one of the reasons for this blog post. For over 15 years I promoted new age, law of attraction, reiki and all sorts of spiritual ideas and teachers, but now I know the truth and in service to my Lord I'm spilling it all out. You can hear more about my encounter with the Lord here on my youtube channel (yes I have one of those)
Recently a Christian woman asked her instagram audience "do your customers, clients, employers, co-workers know you're a Christian?" and I decided that this would be a good step, to make it loud and clear that Jen Pellingra Licensed Massage Therapist is a Christian faith based practice, run by a born again believer! We are told to share the good news and not keep it to ourselves. As Gods children everyone should know who we are! This is why I no longer offer reiki, energy healing or angel healing. God wants us to truth HIM and not seek divine power or influence on any level that is not from Him alone. Why do so many of us just blindly follow ascended masters and spirit guides we know nothing about?
Why do we just trust that these are good spirits?
I also want to add that this walk isn't always easy and we all still go through very real challenges, but you are not going through them alone.
God is sovereign and mighty and calls you by name. I pray you would seek Him and He will make you His own. He will never stop blessing you. The love of God is very real and He loves you but you have to turn to Him and be ready to let go of everything. It's worth it! May Jesus give you peace and rest!
Aw I just realized I am about to launch my "Fathers Day Sale". How perfect, Happy Fathers Day God! And remember to get dad a massage cause massage therapy and deep tissue massage by Jen Pellingra is a good thing!
In September of 2018 I had a very unexpected encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and was born again. In the following days and months found I was in a continued state fo repentance, a condition that continues even now and to this day. One of the most startling effects of this sudden conversion from spiritual new age to bible believing Christianity was a peace and sense of restoration and stability that i had been striving for in dozens of new age or psychological modalities for decades! These were techniques and spiritual practices that I used regularly in my massage practice and even educated many clients on. And after years of striving to get ahead of my own strife I in an INSTANT I was restored. I know now that I experiencing peace with God by believing on the blood of Jesus' death and that I needed a savior.
Let me take a moment to say massage is good, so that my SEO advisor wont yell at me for this blog post ruining my algorithm hahaha! However girl I think the Lord will be happy with this and bless my algorithm Himself :)
This type of relationship with God was something that I thought I had before; a sort of wild, rocky roller coaster of growth and experience, overseen by a "source" and implemented by the "universe" as well as deep forces from within. I thought I was "in tune" while practicing a whole bunch of stuff while thinking I had a good thing going with God even though peace was a rare and fleeting thing. Despite never really being that much better than before in all of my practices I truly believed I was on a path to balance and peace and wonderful prosperity. It seemed like somethings in my life improved but really it didn't. For example: even though I understood why I was the problem in many relationships I never actually changed anything. I felt like well I own it so that's good enough! The universe will do the rest!! (the universe is cold, unfeeling, unintelligent and filled with rocks and gasses. It does not love you, I promise) I basically believed the rough and tumble made me one of the "real ones".... so I was arrogant too passing it off as spiritual LOL!!
But in one instant I realized that God is a loving Father and want us established, settled, peaceful and joyous with blessings and victories given by HIS hand and by HIS will and for HIS glory! Not by our hand or will or our glory! It's a free gift! He has a personality and wants a close and very lively, dynamic relationship with all of us! He wants it so muchHe sent His only begotten Son to be the final sacrifice for the sins of the world! That by believing on Christ, His death and resurrection we would be reconciled to our Father in heaven!
This truth was revealed to my spirit upon my conversion which is the most radically spiritual thing I ever experienced! I also realized that Jesus is God! It's almost 5 years later and Jesus is still the center of my everyday and I continue to joyfully live to serve Him. This is one of the reasons for this blog post. For over 15 years I promoted new age, law of attraction, reiki and all sorts of spiritual ideas and teachers, but now I know the truth and in service to my Lord I'm spilling it all out. You can hear more about my encounter with the Lord here on my youtube channel (yes I have one of those)
Recently a Christian woman asked her instagram audience "do your customers, clients, employers, co-workers know you're a Christian?" and I decided that this would be a good step, to make it loud and clear that Jen Pellingra Licensed Massage Therapist is a Christian faith based practice, run by a born again believer! We are told to share the good news and not keep it to ourselves. As Gods children everyone should know who we are! This is why I no longer offer reiki, energy healing or angel healing. God wants us to truth HIM and not seek divine power or influence on any level that is not from Him alone. Why do so many of us just blindly follow ascended masters and spirit guides we know nothing about?
Why do we just trust that these are good spirits?
I also want to add that this walk isn't always easy and we all still go through very real challenges, but you are not going through them alone.
God is sovereign and mighty and calls you by name. I pray you would seek Him and He will make you His own. He will never stop blessing you. The love of God is very real and He loves you but you have to turn to Him and be ready to let go of everything. It's worth it! May Jesus give you peace and rest!
Aw I just realized I am about to launch my "Fathers Day Sale". How perfect, Happy Fathers Day God! And remember to get dad a massage cause massage therapy and deep tissue massage by Jen Pellingra is a good thing!